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University and College Union

The Open University branch of the University and College Union

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Reps and Contacts

UCU Contacts

As part of the UCU Build the union campaign - members can volunteer to be a UCU contact - read more about what is involved or register to be a UCU contact on the UCU Build the union website.

Branch Executive Committee 2024-2025

The executive committee consists of the branch officers and 12 ordinary members who are elected once a year by ballot of the membership, plus a few ex-officio members and a limited number of co-opted members. The executive committee is responsible for the day to day running of the branch and determines the composition of our negotiating teams. The executive also sets up working groups, which usually consist of executive members but sometimes include other members. Click here to view the current Executive Committee.

Associate Lecturer Representatives 2024-2025

The AL reps are elected once a year by our AL members in each region. They are points of contact, and local representatives for ALs, and collectively they function as the AL reps’ committee, which plays an important role in advising the branch executive committee on matter relating to AL employment. Click here to view the current OU UCU AL reps Committee.

Regional/national Centre Representatives

East Midlands R05, Nottingham  Brendan Quinn 
North West R08, Manchester  Elaine Walker 
Wales, Cardiff   Please get in touch if you could be the UCU contact in Cardiff.
Scotland, Edinburgh Please get in touch if you could be the UCU contact in Edinburgh.
Ireland, Belfast  Please get in touch if you could be the UCU contact in Belfast.

Departmental Representatives at Walton Hall

We would like UCU members to become departmental representatives/UCU contacts and on the Open University campus, we have the following reps/contacts, if you would like to be a Departmental UCU rep then please contact the UCU Office on 53069 (Deb Shann on Microsoft Lync) or ucu@open.ac.uk. If your OU unit/department is not listed then we do not have a rep or contact in that unit, please get in touch if you could volunteer to take on this role.

Academic Services vacancy
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

Ros Crone (School of Arts and Humanities, History department)
Julia Chukwuma (School of Social Sciences and Global Studies, Economics department)
Francesca Benatti (School of Arts and Humanities, English and Creative Writing department)
Becca Harrison (School of Creative Industries)

Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)

Analisa Goodwin (Business School)
Saoirse O'Shea (Business School)

Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) 

John Busvine (STEM Deanery) 
Kit Power (STEM Deanery) 

STEM - Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) Iman Naja 
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies (WELS)

Severine Hubscher-Davidson (School of Languages & Applied Linguistics, Languages)
Wayne Taylor (School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care, Health & Social Care)
Alison Higgs (School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care, Social Work)
Lesley McGrath (Faculty Office, Professional Services, Curriculum)

Institute of Educational Technology (IET) Anne Adams and Liz FitzGerald
Marketing & Communications Michael Bartlett and Maddie Buckland
PVC (Students) Rachel Garnham
RES - was Research & Academic Strategy Helen Bowes-Catton

Open College of the Arts (OCA) reps

Flexible Tutors  vacancy
Programme Tutors India Ritchie 
Programme Leads Dan Robinson and Louise Cunningham
Academic-Related & Professional Services vacancy

Open College of the Arts website 

Union Learn reps

We are pleased to report that we have several Union Learning representatives trained. For queries about employee education and training, contact ucu@open.ac.uk.

Health and Safety reps

We are interested in hearing from any other members who are interested in becoming UCU Health and Safety representatives - currently these people are Health & Safety reps for the branch.

Lesley Kane
Peter Piper
Saleem Rashid
Kit Power, Workload H&S rep
Caitlin Adams

Further information about Health and safety.

Health and Safety Workload Reps

Please contact the UCU office to ask about our Health & Safety Workload reps: ucu@open.ac.uk

Pensions Reps

The branch sends representatives to the OU/Trade Unions Pension Forum, and we are always looking for members to support them through the branch’s Pensions Working Group. Reps and working group members receive training and access to the UCU national pensions email listserv. Current Reps are: 

Caitlin Adams
Jon Hall
Alan Carr, UCU retired member

Green Rep

The branch has multiple reps active on sustainability and Just Transition issues, with branch activities co-ordinated by Peter Wood, Branch President and national co-chair of the UCU Climate and Ecological Emergency Committee. To attend Green Reps training, or to join the relevant branch working group, contact: ucu@open.ac.uk.

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Contact information:

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Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams

Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall

Email us