The Open University branch of the University and College Union
The following text is on the OU intranet about the negotiations towards a new Associate Lecturer contract, 26 October 2017.
The Management and Trades Union sides met on 3 October 2017 and have agreed to aim to conclude negotiations on a new contract for Associate Lecturers by Easter 2018. The key aim has been to provide job security without the continual interviewing and re-interviewing as modules change.
Progress has been limited recently as Students First Transformation work has taken priority for the management side but both sides have now reaffirmed our firm commitment to agreeing a new and secure contract for Associate Lecturers irrespective of changes that the Students First Transformation might bring.
Detailed negotiations will now focus on the details of a new contract, the transition arrangements to a new contract and other issues. We intend to provide a more detailed statement on progress after the next full negotiating group meeting at the start of December.
Pauline Collins, OU UCU Branch President and Fiona Roberts, Group HR Director
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