The Open University branch of the University and College Union
Dear Mr Horrocks,
Thank you for your recent comments on OU news regarding the ongoing USS pensions dispute, and the industrial action that UCU are taking in response to the proposed changes.
However, we are profoundly concerned and disappointed with some quite serious inaccuracies in your public position, which puts you at odds with both UCU’s financial assessments of USS, and increasing numbers of sector VC’s who have accepted the current USS valuation is, at best, deeply flawed.
Specifically, you state: “It is clear from existing valuations of the scheme that there is a deficit and some changes have to happen in order that the scheme remains sustainable and that staff benefits are protected and continue to be so.” and further claim that “There is a significant deficit in the USS pension fund which urgently needs to be addressed.”
The above statements are false on two counts:
We therefore call on you again to abandon this hardline and counterfactual position, and instead join the VC’s of Aberdeen, Strathclyde, Kent, Birkbeck, Goldsmiths, Bangor, Warwick, Loughborough, Newcastle, Glasgow, LSHTM, Sheffield, Essex, Lancaster, Durham, Keele & Surrey and Cambridge in calling for good faith talks to resume as a matter of urgency.
This dispute represents a powerful opportunity for you to demonstrate true leadership on a difficult economic issue, and demonstrate to both your staff and the wider sector that you can be trusted to do the right thing, for both the organisation as a whole, your staff, and, ultimately, students. It is in everybody's best interests that the strike is ended quickly, and good faith negotiations, with realistic evaluations of the funds status, are undertaken.
You have the evidence. You have the power. If you’re serious about rebuilding the trust you will desperately need to have your reform agenda succeed, there would be no better way to demonstrate that commitment.
Yours sincerely
Open University Branch of UCU Executive Committee
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall