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UCU Stop the Cuts Campaign

UCU will soon be launching a UK-wide campaign calling for a stop to the cuts that are damaging the higher education (HE) sector. The current situation is unsustainable: increasing numbers of HE institutions announcing redundancy programmes; a broken funding model causing harm to staff and students; financial mismanagement at some universities which are lavishing money on expensive projects and overseas campuses while making widespread job cuts.

This new Stop the Cuts HE campaign is being launched in pursuit of a 'fit for purpose' funding model and for urgent government intervention. We are running a briefing session tomorrow (Wednesday 19 February, 13:00-14:00) for branch reps and UCU members to learn about the campaign, what everyone can do to take part, as well as upcoming campaigning and lobbying activities. We encourage all members to attend via YouTube.


UCU Stop the Cuts .

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