The Open University branch of the University and College Union
The OU relies absolutely on its staff, and those staff need access to first class training and professional development in order to serve the University to the best of their abilities whilst forging a fulfilling and successful career. To make sure that this happens, particularly in the context of the Students First change programme, UCU is introducing a number of new ‘Learning Rep’ roles and looking for volunteers from within the membership to fill them.
The Role
The main responsibilities of the role will be:
What we offer
The role does not bring extra money but you are entitled to time off to carry out the duties. There are also other benefits:
What we are looking for
The branch has a very diverse membership and we do not expect volunteers to have an in-depth understanding of all areas. We are aiming to establish a team of Reps with complementary backgrounds and experience, who can work together to cover all aspects of the role.
Each individual should ideally have:
If you would like to help but are unable to commit the time required or do not feel you have enough knowledge or experience, please do still get in touch. You may be able to help the branch by working alongside the Learning Reps on particular projects or cases, and if you wish to take on the Learning Rep role in the future this would be invaluable experience.
Please contact for more information.
Union Learn website:
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall