The Open University branch of the University and College Union
There has been some confusion in the university over the weekend strike dates. These dates were included for ALs who had scheduled tutorials or other weekend duties so they could participate fully in the action.
If you are academic or academic-related your normal working pattern, and therefore your strike deductions, should not include the weekend. (For instance, when you take two weeks of annual leave, only the weekdays would be taken from your annual leave allowance - so 10 working days. In this example strike action should be calculated in the same way.)
A number of members have had incorrect deductions for the weekend dates. As a result of our request the manager guidance has been updated. (Because of how SuccessFactors records strike days do not use a date range that includes the weekend unless intending to do so.) Because this is a SuccessFactors issue if there is a mistake you should contact your manager and the People Hub in the first instance (via
The general address for the Payroll team is or find the direct contact based on your first letter of your surname.
The university has said it can't stagger pay deductions (which we assume is because of using SuccessFactors). If having the full deduction taken will cause hardship you can contact the Payroll team to discuss an advance on salary.
Of course members who have been on strike can apply to the union's national Fighting Fund and branch Hardship Fund for which guidance and FAQs have been updated in light of this issue.
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall