The Open University branch of the University and College Union
It's the time of year to re-elect our branch's AL reps. AL members can self-nominate if they wish to stand for election. Please consider standing for election if you have an interest in trade union activity or a desire to help your fellow ALs with employment related problems. We try to have two AL reps in each region or nation, and the AL reps meet as a committee several times a year to discuss progress on AL negotiations with the OU, and other employment matters relevant to ALs. It is possible to join these meetings remotely, if you find it easier than travelling to the meetings, which are usually held in London.
The calling notice document explains the self-nomination process, which should NOT be confused with the nomination process in the branch executive committee elections which are also currently in progress.
The deadline for self-nomination as an AL regional rep is 12 noon on Thursday 5th October 2017.
All places are being re-elected, but if you are eligible for election in more than one region (see calling notice) you may choose to try and fill a gap in a region where we do not currently have two reps. The current composition of the committee can be found on the AL reps page.
As there are many changes being discussed within the OU at the moment, it is important for UCU to keep in touch with its AL members and their views. So we would encourage as many ALs as possible to put their names forward as AL reps.
If you are interested but want to find out more about being an AL rep please email us at
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall