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OU UCU AL Reps Committee

The Associate Lecturer (AL) Reps committee is a group of AL representatives and the branch's elected ALs officer - the Branch President, Hon Secretary and ALs Officer are also invited to the meetings of this committee. The committee has its Standing Orders that can be read here, these were last amended at the an Executive Committee meeting in 2022.

Our AL Reps Committee for the union year June 2024 to June 2025 is as follows - if you have an AL issue, please contact the Branch office in the first instance: 01908 6(53069) or ucu@open.ac.uk.  We have created a page for our Associate Lecturer newsletters

Faculties Reps

John Pearson

Gillian Jack
Jenny Kermally
Isabella Muzio
Penny Oderberg
Chenoa Putter
Rafa Canet *co-opted June 2024
Samantha Barnsley-Bridger *co-opted June 2024
FBL Jason Phillips *co-opted June 2024
Kevin McNerney *co-opted June 2024
Lesley Kane
Matthew Rickard
Steve Kirtley 
Pam Cameron
Andrew Hoaen 
Hazel Shaw *co-opted June 2024
WELS Gerry Stroud-Campbell *co-opted June 2024
Shivanti Lowton *co-opted June 2024

Branch ALs Officer - Jenny Kermally

Hon. Secretary - Lesley Kane

Branch President - Pete Wood