The Open University branch of the University and College Union
David joined the OU in 1971 as a summer school tutor on M100, and became a part-time tutor on M100 and M202, leaving in October 1975 when he was posted to the USA for three years by IBM. Twenty five years later David re-joined the OU as an AL and has been tutoring maths and computing courses since then. He joined the union in 2002 when the new contract was introduced, and became active in the union in 2005 when ALs were partially assimilated to the framework agreement, becoming Treasurer in November 2005. David served as Hon Treasurer for 10 years and is currently an Ordinary member on the Executive Committee. Apart from OU work, David is a professional translator from Russian to English and a keen choral singer.
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall