The Open University branch of the University and College Union
Our branch passed the following motions in 2018.
Motion 1 - Setting up a hardship fund
This EGM agrees to the setting up of a local hardship fund to supplement the national UCU hardship fund during the industrial action scheduled to start on 22nd February. The purpose of the fund will be to support branch members who face hardship as a result of lost pay during the industrial action.
This meeting authorises:
Any money remaining in the hardship fund at the end of the action should be transferred back into our local branch funds.
Motion 2 - Use of branch funds
This meeting authorises the branch treasurer and the branch executive to use branch finds for reasonable expenses incurred during the industrial action, including travel expenses for members who take part in our picket lines, and the hiring of rooms to hold meetings on strike days.
Motion 1
This general meeting has no confidence in our current Vice-Chancellor, or in his plans and intentions for the future of our university.
On the basis of recent events, he has shown that he does not understand the university's teaching model, nor the importance of the OU's research base.
We believe the best way of avoiding damage to the public image of the OU is for the VC to step down as soon as possible.
We therefore call upon the VC to resign.
Motion 2
We have always been open to positive and evidence-based change in delivering innovative learning for our students, but positive change is not compatible with huge cuts to our staff numbers and the slashing of our research base.
Furthermore it is clear that the university’s financial situation does not justify large-scale staff cuts as indeed the Vice Chancellor has admitted.
In order to maintain the excellent quality of OU teaching we call upon OU management to withdraw the threat of hundreds of redundancies.
We ask the OU UCU branch executive and officers to seek assurances from management that there will be no compulsory redundancies, and authorise the branch executive to open a dispute with the university if such assurances are not given.
Motion 3
This EGM hopes the OU will soon be in a different place over "many many job losses" and the proposal for compulsory redundancies, and in a different place over proposals to remove the employment protection in OU Statute 21 and the introduction of new reasons for dismissal.
This EGM also notes that the OU is more likely to be in a different place soon over these matters if there is a change in leadership.
If the university does not move to a different position on these matters, this meeting asks the OU UCU branch executive to carry out an initial consultative ballot to assess the willingness of OU UCU branch members to take industrial action.
Motion 1: Solidarity with TGI Friday strikers
This committee wishes to express solidarity with, and best wishes for, the TGI staff striking over unfair wages and tip distribution. We fully support these trade unionists in their struggle for fairer pay conditions.
Motion 2: Deportation of family members
This committee wishes to record its shock and dismay at the news that a member of the OU community is having to fight a deportation order for her daughters. We support her fight to keep her daughters in the UK, and ask the branch executive committee and the university to actively pursue ways we can offer additional support.
Motion 3: Jim Newall
This branch notes that:
This branch believes that the targets Jim Newell is alleged to have failed to meet reflect a business model of the university which is incompatible with academic freedom because it removes the security of employment academics must have in order to be able to engage in criticism and enquiry without fear or favour.
This branch further notes that Jim Newell’s situation confirms a more widespread trend that is damaging to the health and well-being of University staff throughout the UK. The branch therefore demands that the University of Salford reinstate Jim Newell with immediate effect.
This branch also calls upon members to sign the petition demanding that he be reinstated.
Motions 1 and 3 combined for the UCU HE Sector Conference on 7th November 2018
Motion 1: Conference notes:
Conference resolves
Motion 3: Conference notes:
That many branches missed by a very narrow margin the 50% threshold required under current TU legislation to enable legal industrial action.
Conference calls on the HEC to reflect on the pay ballot outcome and specifically to consider the:
Conference asks the HEC to consider re-balloting all branches where there is a realistic chance of getting a 50% turnout.
Conference calls on the national UCU to consider a legal challenge to this undemocratic legislation, preferably in conjunction with the TUC and other interested trades unions.
Conference resolves:
To continue to campaign vigorously on workload, casualization and gender pay gap issues – these have the full support of our members.
Motion 2
This conference notes:
This conference asks our national officials:
Phone us on 01908 6(53069) or Deb Shann on Skype for Business or Teams
Call into Room 015, Wilson C block, Walton Hall