UCU announced the results of the two ballots on 31st October. UCU members back strikes over both pensions and pay and conditions. Read full news article.
We had 150 responses to our Workload Survey from Associate Lecturers, a few of whom reported difficulty with a question about a "typical" week. The quantative results are similar to those from an AL workload survey we ran a few years ago with 1000 responses, reporting (on average) doing 50% on top of their paid hours.
Nominations for OU UCU branch officerships and executive member positions are open until 4pm on Monday 14th October 2019, as explained in the calling notice. Please think about standing if you have an interest in trade union work, or a desire to help your fellow employees with work related matters. If you want to know more about being a branch officer or executive member, contact us at ucu@open.ac.uk.
There are now 2 ballots open on Pay and Equality plus the USS Pension dispute - please remember to post your ballot papers by 30th October 2019.
The branch has had some USS Pension justice T-shirts produced - please call into the UCU office (room 015 Wilson C block) or email ucu@open.ac.uk to collect or request a T-shirt.
Open meeting on USS: Thursday 5th September 2019 at 12.30pm in CMR15, Christodoulou Meeting room 15, email ucu@open.ac.uk for the Skype meeting request.
Support UCU's TUC motion for a 30-minute solidarity climate stoppage!
The Open University branch of UCU took the lead at the UCU Congress in proposing the main composite motion on climate change, and the passing of this motion and others at Congress is reflected in UCU's motion to the TUC this year.
UCU have announced that there will be simultaneous Highter Education strike ballots over pay and pensions.
The ballots will run from 9 September to 30 October 2019. Members in branches where UCU has registered a dispute over USS will receive two ballot papers - one for pay, workload, equality and job security and one for USS.
The branch was pleased to welcome the Branch President of Sheffield UCU, Sam Marsh, to an Open meeting about the USS Pension Scheme on Thursday 13th June. The meeting was recorded and the recording is now available at this address on the OU Stadium website:
Since the start of this calendar year, three members of UCU have been suspended or sacked from their jobs in what seems to be a worrying trend towards targeting union activists. Below are the details of the three cases and links to petitions and other forms of support for them. As the old principle of trade unionism states: an injury to one is an injury to all.