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University and College Union

The Open University branch of the University and College Union

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University and College Union

Immigration employment advice

If you require assistance with a matter concerning your ability to live (or continue to live) and work in qualifying employment in the United Kingdom please contact UCU's Membership and Professional Support Department who will refer you to specialist immigration lawyers Bindmans LLP.

email: legalservices@ucu.org.uk
website: https://ucu.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/438

2nd June 2017
Our new TUC heart unions table cloth

Report on TUC Discrimination Law Conference, January 2017

Our Branch Equality Officer, Denzil de Souza attended the TUC Discrimination Law conference, along with one of our AL reps, Kevin McNerney.  Denzil’s full report is on our blog and here are some extracts from that report.

2nd June 2017
Denzil de Souza

UCU Equality Conference 2016

Our Branch Equality Officer, Denzil de Souza wrote a comprehensive report on the UCU Equality conference, we have produced a summary in this article and the full report is on our blog: https://oubucu.wordpress.com.

The Conference took place at Aston Conference Centre, Birmingham in December 2016 and was divided into four separate sub-conferences, one for each equality group: disabled members, female members, black members and LGBT members.

2nd June 2017
UCU supports secure employment for all staff

What's it like being an OU Associate Lecturer?

We asked our members for comments about what it’s like to be on a fixed-term or associate lecturer contract. We received eloquent testimony about the impact on individuals and on the work staff are able to do. Here is a selection of the replies we received and thank you to all the members who sent us their comments.

“I would be so happy if we were given permanent contracts so that we can concentrate on our work and continue to put our students first.”

2nd June 2017

OU branch of UCU Successes in 2016

We won a better deal for members who were affected by the locations closures, including a rational London weighting, better support for home-working, agreement to maintain some level of regional infrastructure, and a co-operative approach to the move to shift-work.

2nd June 2017
Our new TUC heart unions table cloth

Branch Survey into Group Tuition Policy

We conducted a survey into the Group Tuition Policy and one of our Vice Presidents, Caitlin Adams, has written a report on the survey results. Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey.

18th May 2017
Pauline Collins, Branch President, OU branch of UCU

OU branch of UCU sends letter to Chair of OU Council

The OU branch of UCU sent a letter to the Chair of the OU Council, Richard Gillingwater in November 2016 over the problems with the Group Tuition Policy - view letter.

18th May 2017
Sally Hunt, UCU General Secretary with Pauline Collins, Branch President - photo by Gill Clough

UCU General Secretary Sally Hunt visits the OU

Sally Hunt was the speaker at an OU branch of UCU Open meeting on 15th March 2017 in the OU Library.  She was recently re-elected as the General Secretary of the University and College Union (UCU), view press release.

You can view a recording of the meeting on the OU Stadium website.

16th May 2017
Exec members in the OU wind tunnel

OU Branch of UCU blog website

We have created a blog website to be used in conjunction with our branch newsletter, the Spark - from time to time we add helpful and useful documents to the blog website.

The most recent items on the blog are comments from our Associate Lecturer (AL) members on what it's like to be an Open University AL.

15th May 2017
University and College Union

New Branch website launched

June 2017 - We have launched a new branch website, with thanks to Caroline in the OU Communications unit. Our Branch Administrator has been using a Lotus Notes content management system since 2009, however the branch felt that it was time to get the branch website updated so we are now using an Open University Drupal template website. We really like it and hope you to too, please send your comments to ucu@open.ac.uk.

16th February 2017

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